Chlamydia Screening
Chlamydia Screening Aged 16-24
STOP PRESS: The surgery is a part of a National campaign to increase the awareness of chlamydia, and to try to persuade all 16-24 year olds to have ANNUAL SCREENING
Why should I worry about chlamydia?
- Because it's common.
- Because it often causes no symptoms.
- Because you might have it.
- Because it's EASY TO GET RID OF.
- Because it can cause long-term problems with fertility and health if you don't.
What's the test
- The chlamydia test is a simple kit
- You can do it in the surgery or bring it back later
- The result is PRIVATE and will be emailed to you or texted to your mobile phone
- The treatment is usually a one-off dose of four antibiotic tablets
- Nobody else will know unless YOU tell them
Who needs a chlamydia test?
- Everyone who's ever had sex should think about it
- If you're sexually active now you should get tested AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR.
Isn't it just promiscuous people who get it? I've only had one partner.
- You're more likely to get it if you have more partners BUT
- You can get it if you've only had one partner, if they had a partner before you.. When you have sex with someone you're linked to everyone they ever had sex with AND everyone they ever had sex with and so forth. So....
- Even if you've only had one partner you could still have chlamydia.
- It's easy to treat. It's not so easy to live with.
Set your mind at rest - get a test