Surgery Equipment Fund
Donations towards buying surgery equipment can be made via the practice manager or the doctors. The funds are spent only on equipment that will benefit patients.
In the last year we have bought several pulse oximeters - devices to measure blood oxygen levels by being clipped to patient's fingers.
We have also installed new air conditioning in the waiting room which is very full at times (particularly on a Monday when our demand is very much higher than at other times). The air conditioning was installed in the middle of July, together with new seating and a computerised check-in screen.
We have also bought new otoscopes and opthalmoscopes - devices for looking in the ear and eye - which plug into the wall and which therefore offer brighter light and a better, clearer diagnosis.
Our most recent purchase is a new ECG machine which gives a better reading and allows us to fax your ECG direct to the hospital in an emergency. These machines cost several thousands of pounds and we are grateful to the patient fund for helping us buy it.