Clinics We Offer

Nursing Services
The following services are provided by our nurses by appointment:
- Dressings and suture removals
- ECGs
- Travel advice and immunisation
- Warfarin monitoring
- Cervical smears
- Spirometry (temporarily suspended due to Covid-19)
- NHS Healthchecks
- Family planning
- Blood pressure monitoring
- Urine testing
- Special clinics for diabetes, chronic chest problems, asthma, kidney problems
- Heart disease monitoring
- Immunisations
- Smoking cessation
- Weight and dietary advice
- NHS Phlebotomy Services (Blood Tests)

Maternity Services
We have a fantastic midwifery team locally who offer a very personal level of care.
The majority of patients choose to go to Cambridge (the Rosie) or Bury St Edmunds (01284 713755) to have their baby, although some do choose to have their babies at home and are well supported by the midwifery team.
When you find out you are pregnant, come and see us. The practice supports home deliveries for our registered patients. We will do our best to be there if you or the midwife feel that you need or want us there. We are happy to see you at any time during your pregnancy, in addition to your midwifery appointments, if you would like to see us.

We aim to make our surgery as child-friendly as possible. We offer all the usual baby immunisations, and if you have any worries about your baby or toddler, please do not hesitate to come and see us. We will always speak to or see you on the day if you feel your baby or toddler is unwell.
Please do not hesitate to call.

Health Visitors
Our Health Visitors run baby clinics in the old Health Centre across the road from the Surgery. Health visitors mainly work with families with children under five years old, offering support and advice on feeding, sleeping, growth and development, and offering help for new mums and families in need of support.

District Nurses
District nurses offer a range of care in the community including post-operative care, leg ulcer care, catheter care and palliative care in terminal illness. Again we are lucky to have a marvellous team working with us. The district nurses can be contacted on their direct number, 0300 1232425.

Women's Health
Our Nurse practitioners offer a comprehensive women's health service. This includes a complete contraception service including oral, injective and emergency contraception.
Oral contraception should be reviewed 3 months after initiation or change and then a minimum of once a year.
For the maturing lady, menopause symptoms can be problematic. Discussion of available treatments with assessment and review of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can be offered by the Nurse Practitioners.
HRT should also be reviewed 3 months after initiation or when changed and then at least annually (if you have not had a review for some time you will be invited to do so with your next prescription request).

Schools and Nursing Homes
The practice also provides care for boarding pupils at Barnardiston Hall Prep School and Broadlands Hall Special School. We also look after patients in Eastcotts Nursing Home, The Meadows, Cleves Place and The Swallows.

Smoking Cessation
Are you ready to quit? Please make an appointment with one of our nurses – we will help as much as we can! We offer support and advice on how best to quit.
Consider phoning the NHS stop smoking line on 0800 022 4332 or have a look at their website

Minor Surgery
The doctor can offer minor surgical procedures by arrangement, for mole/skin tag/cyst removal.
Joint injections are also offered for conditions such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome and shoulder impingement.
Physiotherapy Service
Should you require the service of a physiotherapist, you may not need to see the doctor. You could self refer yourself to our local Allied Physiotherapy Service to avoid using the doctors time unnecessarily.
This is now based in the Well Being Area at Haverhill Leisure Centre.
- You can access their website at
- Self refer yourself:
- Or telephone their service: 03330 433 966
They also offer a Women's Health Physiotherapy for incontinence/bladder problems. Use the above links and follow the prompts.
We have an in-house physiotherapy team who may also be able to help you. Please telephone the surgery and speak to the receptionist who can advise you about booking an appointment with our in-house service on: 01440 703667/702010.
This service is available for advice and on the day appointments on Wednesdays and alternate Thursdays with Rob Walker.